Sunday, May 27, 2012

Local Businesses Ready for 'Summer of Sandler'

Local residents aren't the only ones looking forward to having the Adam Sandler movie Grown Ups 2 filmed in town this summer - the Marblehead Chamber of Commerce is busy preparing goodie bags for the cast and crew.

Executive Director Ann Marie Casey said the goodie bags are just a part of the Chamber's effort to welcome the hundreds of crew members expected to arrive in Marblehead this summer with open arms.

"We want them to feel at home here right off the bat," Casey said. "We want to get them familiarized with the businesses here in town as quickly as possible and this is a great way to do that."

Casey said she expects some 50 member businesses to contribute materials for the bags, which will be handed out to crew members when they eat lunch at the Masonic Lodge on Tuesday.

Local businesses that have already contributed free samples, tote bags, coupons and flyers, Casey said, range from restaurants and retailers to health and wellness experts.

"We have all kinds of great offers already and we expect we will be getting more," Casey said.


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