Thursday, June 7, 2012

Adam and Andy

At the Westwood preem of Sony's "That's My Boy," Andy Samberg reminisced about growing up listening to Adam Sandler comedy albums and working with the star on "SNL.""This movie is probably the closest thing to those albums that he's done in a long time," Samberg said at the Regency. "It's R-rated and very dirty, so to see him get loose like that again first-hand was pretty awesome."
At Monday's preem, helmer Sean Anders expressed similar sentiments about working with the Sandman.
"It's funny because I'm from the same town in Wisconsin that Chris Farley grew up, so I saw Adam Sandler when I was broke and it cost me my last dime to get crappy seats in the nosebleeds to see his standup tour, when Farley came out and did 'Lunchlady Land' with him."
Anders sees a similarly bright future for Samberg, noting, "With Sandler being part of the 'SNL' old guard and Samberg being part of the new guard, it was fun to watch them push each other, with Andy really wanting to step up and live up to it and then Sandler not wanting to be shown up by the young whipper-snapper."


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