Thursday, June 7, 2012

Adam Sandler: My Clothes Embarrass My Daughters

Adam Sandler has made a career of doing mortifying things, but it’s his life away from set that has daughters Sadie Madison, 6, and Sunny Madeline, 3, blushing.

“I do embarrass them now,” the comedian told PEOPLE during a press conference for his film That’s My Boy, in which he plays Andy Samberg‘s father.

The source of his daughters’ humiliation? Dad’s fashion sense.

“I wear shorts a lot,” Sandler, 45, explains. “And my kids do ask me to put pants on when I go to school. They ask, ‘Could you just one time wear pants?’ And every time I get out of the car, I look down and I go, ‘I got those shorts on! Who’s gonna yell at me?’”

The actor hasn’t enjoyed becoming the source of embarrassment for his girls — “I don’t look forward it,” he says — even if it doesn’t exactly come as a surprise. The comedian seems to be taking a cue from his own dad’s playbook.

“My father used to wear the same pants for like a week,” Sandler recalls. “And I remember that was like, ‘My friends have been over three times this week, and they’ve seen him in the brown pants [every time]. Can I please convince this guy to get on some blue pants for the day?’”

Still, the dad of two has accepted his latest cringe-worthy role.

“I’m getting older, and it happens,” he says. “You get a little [to the point where] you don’t care as much. I’m definitely at that age.”


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